
The best way to move your body

We've almost made it through January. How are those resolutions going?

And if you didn't make any, that's great. If you did and you've fallen off the wagon, try this blog post.

If exercising more has been an intention you've wanted to act on but are a bit stuck on what..then let me reassure you that there is no 'perfect' exercise for everyone, but that movement IS good for all of us.

The best way to move your body is the way that you want to move it!

We get to choose how to move. Yes, it could be coming along to one of my exercise classes where I'll help you gain strength and fitness, but it could be a regular walk, or bike ride, dance class, a swim, a pilates or yoga class.

I believe that there should be some joy in movement, if we're going to make it consistent. The joy could be in who you share it with, or the feeling of doing something just for you. It could be in the setting, or in the feeling of getting better at something. It could be in the headspace or the location.

It also varies. When I was teaching my beginner running course I always let those taking part know to expect that at least one run in 10 would feel like a 'bad run'. A slow one, or a hard one, or one where you couldn't get the rhythm right. And I think it's the same for any class, or exercise. Sometimes it's just not the right moment.

You could have had a bad night's sleep, not eaten well, be recovering from a cold or virus, be in the luteal phase of your menstrual cycle, or just be having a low energy day.

I adapt my exercise habits to how I feel, and to my menstrual cycle. In my classes I always say that rest isn't cheating, it's about listening to your body. You are winning if you're listening enough to take it easy when you need to. You are definitely not giving up.

I've got a couple of spaces in my classes from February if you'd like to get in touch, or you can book a 1:1 exercise inspiration session - where I take you through a process to find a way to create an exercise habit to suit you.

Drop me a line if you'd like a chat about either.