It's been a revelation

“It’s been a revelation”

Clients explain it best in their own words how it is to work with me. Every experience is different for each client. Some want to change their relationship with exercise, some with food, some with their bodies.

It’s a step by step approach but the steps change according to your needs. This client worked with me online over 3 months and faced various challenges along the way, not to mention Lockdown!

“Over the autumn I started to feel that I had become sluggish, tired and had gained weight. I had a big birthday coming up the following year and decided to use this as a motivation to change some habits. I looked online for a personal trainer and happened upon Lesley's page. Her words really clicked with me when she described working with older women and she was all about making gentle, long lasting changes rather than quick fixes. We set up at phone call and had a good natter. I was encouraged by Lesley's warm and friendly tone, and her positive encouragement and can do attitude. 

I work very long hours and am out of the house for 12+ hours a day. We quickly realised that I wasn't going to be able to attend Lesley's fitness classes because even 6.30am was too late for me. However, the can-do attitude came bouncing back and Lesley devised a plan for me to receive coaching online instead. We talked every Friday for 30 minutes or so on the phone or on FaceTime and she sent me exercise videos of routines for me to try at home. I received nutritional advice as well and we set about making some small changes each week. 

My goals were to get some energy back and to drop a dress size. I must admit, getting up at 5.30am during the dark winter months was not easy but I felt accountable to Lesley and wanted to keep going. I respond well to a routine so I plodded on. Some weeks were harder as I had long working days and my energy was low. Lesley was kind, understanding and encouraging, adjusting my targets as we went along.

Then the lockdown occurred and my working pattern changed, which in terms of my fitness was the best thing that could have happened! I had more time and was able to attend Lesley's online classes. I really enjoy working out with her and 11 other women of a similar age from my back garden with my iPad balancing on a garden chair! I am managing 3 classes a week and really love it. 

My three month coaching programme with Lesley ended and we looked at what I had achieved. I think my energy has improved, I feel less anxious than I used to do before and I have much better self esteem. I wanted to lose weight and although I don't think I'm necessarily any slimmer, I feel more toned and I feel strong. I'm proud of myself for working hard through the winter and I feel more in tune with my appetite. I don't comfort eat anywhere near as much, and I'm more aware of the danger times when my blood sugar drops and I start to feel like raising the fridge. Lesley and I have put strategies place to cope with this and although I'm not an angel, I am being mindful about sensible and healthy choices. 

Working with Lesley was a pleasure. She listens and problem solves. She remembers information (eg I have a very sore ankle from an injury a few years ago and she always gives me an alternative exercise to do). Most of all though, she cares. You feel like you have known each other for ever and you're working with a friend. I am so glad I clicked on Lesley's web page!

Oh and I did drop a dress size too!”

Want to find out more? Get in touch or find out more about coaching here.