How do I stop being exhausted all the time?
Well. That’s a BIG question.
Especially right now. Mid lockdown. Mid pandemic. Mid homeschooling/homeworking/worry about everything.
I’d start with asking questions.
Why are you exhausted?
Let’s go back to basics.
Are you getting enough sleep, movement, fresh air, water, protein and veggies?
Can adding more of any of these help.
Try one thing.
Or do you need to do less?
Give yourself a day off. A day off doing it all. Curl up under the duvet, lose yourself in the woods, read some escapist fiction. Hmm. That’s tricky when you’re juggling homeschool, work, multiple family commitments.
But it can mean you bounce back with focus, energy and joy.
So maybe find a moment, 10 minutes, 20 better. And find your off button. A meditation, a cheeky nap, a daytime bath, listen to music. And delegate where you can. To the TV babysitter if you need to.
It is today, or everyday?
Is that exhaustion something that has a temporary cause - whether it’s the impact a few late nights, or interrupted sleep, or you’re in the latter half of your menstrual cycle or had a few days where your food intake was a bit off of normal so your blood sugar is wobbly?
Is it the uncertainty of lockdown, or were you already exhausted?
And is there a solution here in those answers?
And who can help?
Is it a chat with a friend who really knows you and can help reflect back what you really need? Is it about delegating to a partner? Can you chat to a colleague/manager if work is exhausting you?
Or can a coach help you unpick what is bringing you down and help you step back towards that feeling of vitality and excitement?
I offer a 12 week programme that helps you look at key areas of your life and lifestyle. Simple steps to nourish, sustain and enhance your wellbeing. Drop me an email here, or find out more here: