Why don’t we talk about perimenopause?

We don’t talk about hormones.

Are we ashamed? Ignorant? Immune? 

Anyone remember those school sessions where your class teacher first spoke to you about periods? How embarrassing? I’m pretty sure I never had a conversation with my mum about it either. 

I remember cringing at Tampax or Always adds on the TV too. Why was it always blue liquid? 

Now. I spend a lot of time talking periods, hormones and perimenopause.

I use a mooncup and reusable pads. I don’t use hormonal birth control. I use my menstrual cycle to gauge how well I am looking after my health.

I wish I’d understood more about my hormones earlier.

But now, in my forties, is a perfect time to get to grips with periods, hormones and their impact on my health. Because it’s all starting to change. That’s what perimenopause is. Change. 

Change is an opportunity.

Not a threat. An opportunity to know yourself, to prioritise your health, to make life work FOR you. 

Come and join one of my workshops to learn more about what the perimenopause is and how you can take control of your wellbeing for the long term.

Find out more here https://www.wildcountrywoman.com/what-is-the-perimenopause

Or pick up my free 10 signs of the perimenopause download here.