Why bother to exercise?

So I think there are 1000s of reasons why to bother:

It feels good
It gets you outside
It's great for your heart health
It's great for your bone health
You might meet new friends
You might socialise with old friends
It's great for your bone health
It's great for your mental health
It's great for your brain health
It helps with high blood pressure
It helps you run after your kids
It's great for your immune system 
It can help you recover from illness 
You feel great afterwards

There's a few. Not quite a thousand but I’m sure I could get up to at least 100!

But those are mine.

What are yours? And more importantly, what stops you?

Do you feel too unfit to get started?

Do you not know where to start?

Do you not have the time?

Do you struggle to find the motivation?

Do you not have the right clothes?

Do you not want to be seen exercising?

Are you confused by so many different options out there?

If this is you, maybe I can help? I love coaching women to re-form their relationship with exercise, to work out what feels good for them and how they can get going for the long term.

And I know you’re busy, I know it’s hard to get fit it all in. I don’t want exercise to be a chore. I want it to fit in and to feel good, maybe even fun!

I offer an online one to one coaching option to support you with building your fitness around your busy busy life.

Interested in finding out more? Get in touch....I'd love to hear from you and work out if I can help.