Why weight loss isn't the holy grail of health

Weight loss shouldn’t be your only goal.

Because weight loss isn’t health.

I’ve been getting irritated with the current focus on obesity. All sorts of pundits, with and without any qualification are getting in on the ‘eat less/move more, it’s simple’ hamster wheel. 

But this kind of messaging isn’t new. 

And it’s not helpful. 

We’ve heard it all before. 

It’s a message we’ve been receiving for most of our lives. Whether or not we are overweight. Whether we are male or female. 

It may have caused many of us to join gyms and slimming clubs, to follow restrictive diets or run marathons in search of this holy grail of weight loss. 

And it may have caused us to end up in a shame storm when we fall off the wagon, put on a few pounds or fail to lose any weight. 

And that doesn’t feel good.

So we keep on looking for the magic pill, the obesity gene, the super supplement, the one thing that will change. 

I think there’s a lot more to current levels of obesity than food and exercise. There’s social deprivation, access, mental health, education and opportunity issues. 

One size fits all doesn’t work.

And a one size fits all approach to weight doesn’t fit all either. You can be overweight and have great fitness markers, and you can be underweight and have a nutrient poor diet and not exercise.

So, what’s the answer? 


Don’t seek weight loss. 

Seek the feel good factor. 

Explore the long term, and your optimum health.

Understand what you enjoy, what your body enjoys when you eat and move. Understand what your version of health and a healthy lifestyle is. Dive a little deeper into what stops you, what beliefs get in your way when it comes to making change.

You may find that weightloss becomes a by product after all.

Want to have a taste of this approach?

Join my FREE 5 day challenge starting on 4th January 2021 to help you find your own feel good factor and re-set your lockdown habits. 

Or if you’d rather take a look at my 1:1 coaching offer, where we take a deeper dive into your health and hormones, take a look below.