What do I mean by sustainable lifestyle change

I often talk about making sustainable and positive changes to our lifestyle to benefit our health and hormones. To my clients and on social media.

What do I mean by that? 

Broadly it means that the impact is low. On you and on your lifestyle, and can fit within any sustainable living plan you might have too.  

It fits with your life where you are. 

I love seeing how the small changes stick, and add up to big transformations over time. 

Sometimes those small changes are the change we have in mindset or attitude towards exercise, food or managing our self care. 

The impact can be monumental. 

For example, I love exercise snacks. It’s an easy concept to get. You know what a snack is. It’s small, easy to get hold of and doesn’t take long to make or consume. So an exercise snack can be the same.

10 squats before you brush your teeth/make a cup of tea. It could add up to 100s of squats a week. It adds up to metabolism boosted, calories burned, feel good factor enhanced and all kinds of good blood flow fun.  I wrote a blog about this before here.

I love getting more movement into your commute or school drop off. Park further away, walk the long way round. Cycle. You know the drill. It doesn't have to be every day, all the time but regularly movement adds up to the feel good factor.

Notice the difference from small changes in nutrition

I love playing with nutrition and food. Noticing the difference in energy, digestion and cravings when you get the balance of protein, veg and fats just right for you. When you cut out alcohol, sugar or high carb snacks. Eat dinner earlier. Chew more. Try one thing at a time and see what sticks, what helps and what you enjoy.

Finding pleasure in food and noticing what you’re feeling can be really helpful here. More thoughts on cravings and food on my blog here.

Bedtime experiments

No...not that kind! It means experimenting with early bed times and wake times. Finding out what works, and what doesn’t. 

Empowered health choices through coaching

It means empowering you with information that enables you to make the choices you need to to maintain your optimum health. Helping you find the ways that work for you.

It means letting go of perfection and creating goals that are truly meaningful.

It's not an overnight fix but it can lead to really lasting change, because you've chosen that change and what you want to do.

It's exciting, it creates change and it's all down to you.

I gently nudge, suggest and, above all, listen to your needs.

It can be fun, it can be simple and accountability and support can add up to some magic change.

If you’d like some help with this then my Wildly Well Woman Mentorship is a great place to get accountability and inspiration to create sustainable change that suits you. Click here for more information.

Or if you’d like a deeper dive, my one to one health coaching is ideal, especially for women in their 40s and 50s. Perimenopause happens to all women, and having guidance and support in understanding your symptoms and creating a lifestyle to support your long term health can be a game changer.

I work with you for 3 months. I help you get to know yourself and what you really need An hour over the phone, Skype or Zoom each week to focus on you, and online support to encourage, empower and create those changes in your life.

Want to find out more?

Take a look here.

I’m a women’s health coach, qualified personal trainer and have 6 years of experience working in health and fitness. And I LOVE the magic of seeing transformational change in my clients.